
How To Deal With Bad Days

How To Deal With Bad Days

Divyesh Chudasama 166 Views 22 January 2023

Bad days are a pretty normal phenomenon in everyone’s everyday life. It’s not a shocking thing or a mysterious thing to have bad days occasionally. A close friend or relative just died, you just lost your job, your partner broke up with you or you fell sick; these are all instances that can turn a perfectly normal day into a bad one. Usually, when you have a bad day, you don’t feel like even participating in any activity. Your workplace becomes a tiny space and you’re generally uncomfortable. Everything irritates you and you’re just edgy.

However, bad days are set to do just one thing- reduce your productivity and make you feel useless for that day. So, you must strive to make sure that whatever sadness you feel doesn’t stay with you for too long and lead to other things. Taking care of yourself and diverting your focus to something you love and enjoy can help you snap out of bad days quite quickly. Here are some quick tips to dealing with bad days.

  • Be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to understand that having bad days isn’t the end of the world. Tell yourself that you’ll be okay because you definitely will be. Affirm to yourself either out loud or say it in your heads that you’re not tied down by the events (and in some cases, the lack of it) that turned your day sour.
  • Allow yourself to shed a few tears. Sometimes all you have to do during a bad day is just to sit and have a good cry. It really helps. Holding in those emotions, on the other hand, would only make your mood worse. So, if you feel like you need to cry, let it out. You’ll be surprised at how much relief you feel afterwards.
  • Treat yourself. Maybe all you need to feel better is a relaxing day at the spa or a good solo date at your favorite restaurant or a few glasses of your favorite wine. Just treat yourself to something really nice that you’ll enjoy greatly and can lift your mood too.
  • Journaling. Journaling might not seem like the conventional way of easing stress but trust me it does it so well. Writing down how you feel at a particular time helps you relax and feel way better about the situation. You could even make it an everyday thing. Just write it down, as it comes to mind. 
  • Engage in a social activity with other people. Interacting with other people and staying social helps you keep your mind off your frustrations. Turning that bad day around by having a good gist with your friends and family is so effective and more often than not, you’ll find yourself soon bursting into heartfelt smiles and laughter. That’s the power of family and friends.
  • Meditation. Take some time out to sit down and reflect on your day and meditate. Meditations helps you clear out negativity and gives you a clean and clear fresh perspective. 

 All of these and more are ways you can turn a terrible day into one with happy memories for yourself. It could even be sleep you need but just remember that a bad day wouldn’t right itself until you take the first step to righting it. Make the effort.